The Surprising Advantages of Chewing Gum

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Use your love of chewing gum to your advantage! You may be surprised to learn that chewing gum can benefit your dental health. Keep in mind that to reap the full benefits, you should choose sugarless gum. Dr. Darshan Patel and our team are thrilled to go over some of the advantages of chewing sugar-free gum with you.

Saliva Flow
Dry mouth is a condition in which there is insufficient saliva production in the mouth. This can cause discomfort when eating, swallowing and speaking. Perhaps even more of note is that dry mouth can increase the risk of cavities, as saliva is your mouth’s natural cleaner.

The act of chewing causes saliva production. Because of this, chewing gum can be a great tool in combating dry mouth. Keep in mind that chewing sugar-free gum is best, as the sugar in regular gum can cause tooth decay.

Tooth Decay Prevention
Again, the act of chewing gum can increase saliva flow. Saliva washes away bacteria and food debris that can cause tooth decay. Because of this, chewing sugarless gum can reduce your risk for cavities. We recommend that you chew gum for at least 20 minutes after eating to help clean out your mouth. Of course, chewing gum does not replace brushing and flossing.

Bad Breath Coverage
Chewing gum that has a pleasant minty, fruity or cinnamon taste can temporarily cover bad breath. If your bad breath was caused by dry mouth, chewing gum can even banish your bad breath, as it can moisten the mouth.

We invite you to contact New Image Dentistry & Orthodontics at 623-825-9445 for more information about the benefits of chewing sugarless gum and to schedule a visit with our orthodontist in Glendale, Arizona.